We're so excited for the 2018 World Series and all it has to offer, that we brought you a brand new, in-studio podcast all about it! We cover the two fan bases, the advantages of each team, and who has the best all-around pickup... Seriously, you gotta hear this freakin' episode!
Red Sox
Lauren Taylor Illustrations
SportsCommentLauren Taylor (LaurenTaylorIllustrations.com) was kind enough to take an interview with us to discuss her recent success with the work she has done for professional athletes. She has made art pieces for MLB players including Joe Kelly, Jackie Bradley Jr., Dee Gordon, Mookie Betts, Nelson Cruz, and more. In this discussion, Lauren tells us all about where she got started, why she loves sports, what inspired her artwork, and the causes she works hard for! Plus, her dream might soon be realized with a company she'd love to work with...